My mission
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1
I’m here to serve God in the way he has planned for me. I only wish I knew exactly what that is!
However, I don’t worry too much about what’s on the horizon, specifically because of two Bible verses I cling to:
My absolute most favorite:
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
And one we all tend to love, most notably by my past photography students who lived by this verse at DBU:
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
What are the desires of my heart? To create things that inspire. To help people find inspiration for what they’re called to do. To tell stories that delight and captivate. To travel and explore beautiful and unique places. To invite my wife and children up into an adventure and lead them well. To meet and share experiences with amazing people… I could go on and on.
I honestly don’t know all of the desires of my own heart. Some of them can’t even be put into words. Some of those desires haven’t even been revealed to us yet. But for now, I feel that shooting and teaching photography fulfills many of those desires.
What are the desires of your heart? Have you ever actually asked yourself that question?
If you could quit your job tomorrow, what would you want to do to fill up your day?
If grabbing a camera, hitting the trail and capturing printable, sharable images to glorify God in his splendor ranks high with you, then feel free to join me on this adventure.
I’m not sure how it will all take shape, but I look on the horizon with anticipation, just like I do during the blue hour before the sun makes its grand entrance. It could be colorful. It could be piercingly harsh. There could be storms, followed by calm. That’s the exciting part: not knowing.
But we should be ready. I like to imagine that somewhere in the world all of the elements are coming together. Just the right amount of high clouds scooting across the sky. Just the right amount of humidity. The sun sets and puts off a tremendous spectacle of golden rays, illuminating pink, orange, purple and pale yellow clouds beneath a deep blue backdrop. Rocky cliffs reflect the sky’s color and the mountains grow deeper and deeper purple as they disappear in the distance, and nobody is within miles of this place to see it…except you…there on that ledge, anticipating this moment for several hours, tripod locked down, lens sharply focused to the perfect hyperlocal distance to get the nearby grasses and the distant mountains in perfect clarity, and you release the shutter. You got the shot.
Life has a way of distracting us from where we’re supposed to be. The only way to stay the course is to listen to what God is telling you to do, then do it.
1 Chronicles 28:10 reads:
“Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it."
We can all fill in the blank here for ourselves. The Lord has chosen you to _________; be strong and do it.”
I was terrified when I was first asked to teach photography. Now I’m not sure how I feel about going on the record, blogging or vlogging about my experiences, but for now that’s the mission I feel called to do so I’m going for it. I hope it can be a blessing and an inspiration for you. Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you come away with something to think about!